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Each sheet contains all items from the various kits and any options and extras for the different vehicles.
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2024 Vehicle Price Lists
Article in Engineering in Miniature
Engineering in Miniature have just written an article on a TL2 build by two of their readers. You can see the write up in the November 2017 issue or have a look at the attached article. EiM build article -
Colours and Paint Schemes
We have always been able to paint the ready built models to whatever colour the customers want (just like these lovely blue and sand Toylanders) but we can now offer custom paint job and decal work. Continue reading → -
We have many customers asking us about paints to use on their Toylanders, there are too many colours for us to stock them, so we recommend ordering your colour and paint kit from Paint Man and Toylander Specific Paints at Paint Man -
Alloy and Grit build
Alloy and Grit magazine in America are building one of our Toylander 2 cars as part their spring issue. Good luck guys, send us plenty of pictures! You can now see Alloy & Grit magazine Toylander 1 build blog on at follow all their progress. -
Carfest 2017
We have just confirmed our place at Carfest South 2017 August 25th - 27th. We had a great time last year, showing the cars and meeting new and old customers . Hope to see you all this year, fingers crossed for good weather again! -
Toylander 1 build
Pictures of cars and some details of the build up process of a Toylander 1 put together in our workshops from our ready made body for Land Rover Monthly magazine. Article part 1 Article part 2
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